Bialetti and Dolce&Gabbana

Урьдчилсан захиалга Press 350ml

Тоо ширхэг
Богино тайлбар
Шинэ жилээс өмнө тээврийн нөхцөл байдлаас хамаарч 2024 оны 11-12 сард Монголд ирж таны гарт хүргэгдэнэ.
Тоо ширхэг
Богино тайлбар
Шинэ жилээс өмнө тээврийн нөхцөл байдлаас хамаарч 2024 оны 11-12 сард Монголд ирж таны гарт хүргэгдэнэ.

Итали кофены төгс, дахин давтагдашгүй мэдрэмжийг #DolceGabbana-ийн онцгой дизайн, #Bialetti-ийн сэтгэл татам байдлаар онцолж байна. #DGCarretto хээгээр чимэглэсэн өнгөлөг кофе чанагчын шинэ загвар болох Moka Express Bialetti #Dolce&Gabbana гар урлалын үнэмлэхүй шилдэг ур чадварыг танилцуулж байна. #MadeInItaly(Италид үйлдвэрлэв). 130 мл хэмжээтэй, хөнгөн цагаан материалтай, индукцаас бусад бүх плетка газ дээр ажиллана. Дахин давтагдашгүй хээтэй зөвхөн таньд зориулсан цорын ганц үйлдвэрлэгдэнэ. 2024 оны 11-12 сард Италид зарагдаж буй үнээр Монголд хүргүүлээд авах боломжтой. Limited edition буюу цөөн тоогоор Монголд ирэх тул урьдчилсан захиалга авч байна.

Two icons of the Made in Italy tradition come together to celebrate the beauty of the coffee ritual. Thus, Coffee Press Sicilian Cart is born, the perfect ally for preparing delicious filter coffee. This Coffee Press is ideal for adding a touch of sophistication to your table, allowing you to serve  exceptional coffee.

The Coffee Press Sicilian Cart is perfect for preparing filter coffee and tea, is a refined blend of Made in Italy style and design. A perfect gift that will make your breakfast or Sunday brunch truly special.

How to make coffee:

1. Put the coffee maker on a dry, flat, non-slip surface. Hold the handle tightly and remove the plunger unit from the coffee maker.

2. Insert the ground coffee into the coffee maker.

3. Pour hot water (not boiling) into the coffee maker and

fill to 2.5 cm/1 inch from the upper edge.

4. Mix the drink with a plastic spoon.

5. Put the plunger unit into the coffee maker

and rotate the lid so that the slots face the

opposite side of the spout. Do not push the plunger


6. Let coffee steep for at least four minutes.

7. Hold the coffee maker handle tightly and push the knob gently to lower the plunger into the coffee maker.

8. Rotate the lid so that the slots face the spout

and pour the coffee.

Coffee Press Sicilian Cart 350 ml:

- Dimensions: 7.6 cm x 12.7 cm x 17.8 cm equivalent to 3 cups of brewed coffee.

Body material: 18/10 Stainless Steel

Container material: Removable and dishwasher-safe borosilicate glass

Handle material: Thermally insulated plastic

Not suitable for use on heat sources.

Each individual Coffee Press Sicilian Cart is characterized by distinctive features related to variations in the position of decorative motifs on the collector.

Wash after each use with lukewarm water without using detergents and/or abrasive materials.


Итали кофены төгс, дахин давтагдашгүй мэдрэмжийг #DolceGabbana-ийн онцгой дизайн, #Bialetti-ийн сэтгэл татам байдлаар онцолж байна. #DGCarretto хээгээр чимэглэсэн өнгөлөг кофе чанагчын шинэ загвар болох Moka Express Bialetti #Dolce&Gabbana гар урлалын үнэмлэхүй шилдэг ур чадварыг танилцуулж байна. #MadeInItaly(Италид үйлдвэрлэв). 130 мл хэмжээтэй, хөнгөн цагаан материалтай, индукцаас бусад бүх плетка газ дээр ажиллана. Дахин давтагдашгүй хээтэй зөвхөн таньд зориулсан цорын ганц үйлдвэрлэгдэнэ. 2024 оны 11-12 сард Италид зарагдаж буй үнээр Монголд хүргүүлээд авах боломжтой. Limited edition буюу цөөн тоогоор Монголд ирэх тул урьдчилсан захиалга авч байна.

Two icons of the Made in Italy tradition come together to celebrate the beauty of the coffee ritual. Thus, Coffee Press Sicilian Cart is born, the perfect ally for preparing delicious filter coffee. This Coffee Press is ideal for adding a touch of sophistication to your table, allowing you to serve  exceptional coffee.

The Coffee Press Sicilian Cart is perfect for preparing filter coffee and tea, is a refined blend of Made in Italy style and design. A perfect gift that will make your breakfast or Sunday brunch truly special.

How to make coffee:

1. Put the coffee maker on a dry, flat, non-slip surface. Hold the handle tightly and remove the plunger unit from the coffee maker.

2. Insert the ground coffee into the coffee maker.

3. Pour hot water (not boiling) into the coffee maker and

fill to 2.5 cm/1 inch from the upper edge.

4. Mix the drink with a plastic spoon.

5. Put the plunger unit into the coffee maker

and rotate the lid so that the slots face the

opposite side of the spout. Do not push the plunger


6. Let coffee steep for at least four minutes.

7. Hold the coffee maker handle tightly and push the knob gently to lower the plunger into the coffee maker.

8. Rotate the lid so that the slots face the spout

and pour the coffee.

Coffee Press Sicilian Cart 350 ml:

- Dimensions: 7.6 cm x 12.7 cm x 17.8 cm equivalent to 3 cups of brewed coffee.

Body material: 18/10 Stainless Steel

Container material: Removable and dishwasher-safe borosilicate glass

Handle material: Thermally insulated plastic

Not suitable for use on heat sources.

Each individual Coffee Press Sicilian Cart is characterized by distinctive features related to variations in the position of decorative motifs on the collector.

Wash after each use with lukewarm water without using detergents and/or abrasive materials.

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