Bialetti and Dolce&Gabbana

Dolce Gabbana Inductiin 4

Бүтээгдэхүүний код:DG010
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Богино тайлбар
Шинэ жилээс өмнө тээврийн нөхцөл байдлаас хамаарч 2024 оны 11-12 сард Монголд ирж таны гарт хүргэгдэнэ.
Бүтээгдэхүүний код:DG010
Тоо ширхэг
Богино тайлбар
Шинэ жилээс өмнө тээврийн нөхцөл байдлаас хамаарч 2024 оны 11-12 сард Монголд ирж таны гарт хүргэгдэнэ.

Итали кофены төгс, дахин давтагдашгүй мэдрэмжийг #DolceGabbana-ийн онцгой дизайн, #Bialetti-ийн сэтгэл татам байдлаар онцолж байна. #DGCarretto хээгээр чимэглэсэн өнгөлөг кофе чанагчын шинэ загвар болох Moka Express Bialetti #Dolce&Gabbana гар урлалын үнэмлэхүй шилдэг ур чадварыг танилцуулж байна. #MadeInItaly(Италид үйлдвэрлэв). 130 мл хэмжээтэй, хөнгөн цагаан материалтай, индукцаас бусад бүх плетка газ дээр ажиллана. Дахин давтагдашгүй хээтэй зөвхөн таньд зориулсан цорын ганц үйлдвэрлэгдэнэ. 2024 оны 11-12 сард Италид зарагдаж буй үнээр Монголд хүргүүлээд авах боломжтой. Limited edition буюу цөөн тоогоор Монголд ирэх тул урьдчилсан захиалга авч байна.

Two icons of the Made in Italy tradition come together to celebrate the beauty of the Italian coffee ritual. Thus, the exquisite Moka Induction  Bialetti Dolce&Gabbana is born, an innovative coffee maker suitable for use on induction cooktops. With its bi-layer boiler technology, this product delivers high performance: an outer steel layer allows it to be used on induction cooktops, while an inner aluminium layer ensures even heat distribution.

The Moka Induction is a genuine masterpiece of style and makes for a perfect gift idea. It transforms the simple coffee ritual into a celebration of Italian excellence, inviting us to savour the art and passion of Dolce&Gabbana with every cup.

How to prepare coffee: To make a great cup of coffee, simply pour water into the boiler up to the safety valve, insert the funnel, and add ground coffee for the moka pot without pressing it. Close the moka pot tightly and place it on the hob at medium temperature. Wait for the coffee to gurgle as it rises into the collector (upper chamber), turn off the hob, and enjoy a good coffee!

Cleaning instructions: The Bialetti Moka Induction should only be rinsed with water after each use. Do not use detergents. The product should not be washed in the dishwasher as this could damage the product and affect the taste of the coffee.

Dimensions: 11.5 cm x 17.5 cm x 14 cm

Capacity: 190 ML equivalent to 4 cups of brewed coffee

Made in Italy

Bi-layer boiler material with a double layer (3.5 mm/0.13” thick) ensures perfect heat distribution: aluminium interior, steel exterior.

Handle and knob made of soft-touch painted PA66 plastic.

Easy-clean safety valve.

Compatible with electric, gas, and induction stovetops.

Each Bialetti Dolce&Gabbana Moka Express has distinctive characteristics related to variations in the position of decorative motifs on the collector.


Итали кофены төгс, дахин давтагдашгүй мэдрэмжийг #DolceGabbana-ийн онцгой дизайн, #Bialetti-ийн сэтгэл татам байдлаар онцолж байна. #DGCarretto хээгээр чимэглэсэн өнгөлөг кофе чанагчын шинэ загвар болох Moka Express Bialetti #Dolce&Gabbana гар урлалын үнэмлэхүй шилдэг ур чадварыг танилцуулж байна. #MadeInItaly(Италид үйлдвэрлэв). 130 мл хэмжээтэй, хөнгөн цагаан материалтай, индукцаас бусад бүх плетка газ дээр ажиллана. Дахин давтагдашгүй хээтэй зөвхөн таньд зориулсан цорын ганц үйлдвэрлэгдэнэ. 2024 оны 11-12 сард Италид зарагдаж буй үнээр Монголд хүргүүлээд авах боломжтой. Limited edition буюу цөөн тоогоор Монголд ирэх тул урьдчилсан захиалга авч байна.

Two icons of the Made in Italy tradition come together to celebrate the beauty of the Italian coffee ritual. Thus, the exquisite Moka Induction  Bialetti Dolce&Gabbana is born, an innovative coffee maker suitable for use on induction cooktops. With its bi-layer boiler technology, this product delivers high performance: an outer steel layer allows it to be used on induction cooktops, while an inner aluminium layer ensures even heat distribution.

The Moka Induction is a genuine masterpiece of style and makes for a perfect gift idea. It transforms the simple coffee ritual into a celebration of Italian excellence, inviting us to savour the art and passion of Dolce&Gabbana with every cup.

How to prepare coffee: To make a great cup of coffee, simply pour water into the boiler up to the safety valve, insert the funnel, and add ground coffee for the moka pot without pressing it. Close the moka pot tightly and place it on the hob at medium temperature. Wait for the coffee to gurgle as it rises into the collector (upper chamber), turn off the hob, and enjoy a good coffee!

Cleaning instructions: The Bialetti Moka Induction should only be rinsed with water after each use. Do not use detergents. The product should not be washed in the dishwasher as this could damage the product and affect the taste of the coffee.

Dimensions: 11.5 cm x 17.5 cm x 14 cm

Capacity: 190 ML equivalent to 4 cups of brewed coffee

Made in Italy

Bi-layer boiler material with a double layer (3.5 mm/0.13” thick) ensures perfect heat distribution: aluminium interior, steel exterior.

Handle and knob made of soft-touch painted PA66 plastic.

Easy-clean safety valve.

Compatible with electric, gas, and induction stovetops.

Each Bialetti Dolce&Gabbana Moka Express has distinctive characteristics related to variations in the position of decorative motifs on the collector.

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